AI in Retail: A Powerful Omnichannel Tool

Preet Panchal
2 min readJul 23, 2021

Retailers now struggle to get the omnichannel approach out of hand, concentrating on customization and seamless customer experience. The demand is quite clear: fully integrated, on-line and offline omnichannel presence.

However, it is not so easy to surprise modern customers (Milennials and Generation Z). Therefore, retailers are not enough to follow the clear trends — they must take just a few steps to keep all the ases. In this case, artificial intelligence (AI) is a life saving jacket.

How can retailers benefit from solutions for artificial intelligence?

Like TV in its time or the Internet accordingly, Artificial Intelligence is still here to have a revolution. The programme was designed to enhance human skills, reduce efforts to solve routine problems and encourage best ideas.

The retail sector offers an excessively wide range of new opportunities if one approach to omnichannel integration solutions is to implement artificial intelligence solutions. Through AI methodologies, companies can offer customer interactions that are hyperpersonalized, deliver the true value and attract a wider audience.

Offline conveniences are usually suitable for traditional structures but not available as digital variants: many channels but no customer-centered approach. Instead, artificial intelligence software can both replace human resources with digital technologies, and improve existing features, thereby adding more personalization.

AI-enabled retail solutions

Global brands see and inspire their cases with the future of artificial intelligence. Following the online request for drinks, Starbucks is now launching a voice chatbot for MyStarbucks Barista for shortened and satisfied customers. Amazon overcomes the ratings by providing Amazon Echo with a voice assistant powered by Alexa. cares about busy Amy users — a virtual secretary to schedule meetings.

The idea is driven by the rather ordinary consumption need — almost everyone had to look for children’s gifts, from kids to young people. Yes, it might sound like it’s trivial to pick a gift for a boy, but sometimes it can actually become a disaster.

Why? Parents frequently have no idea which Barbie to choose, and some adults may not be able to tell the difference between a Spiderman and a Transformer. In addition, people without children may not know which toys are trendy and at the top. However, Polite consultants are there to assist when they shop in brick and mortar shops. But what if clients do not have time to go to the shop?

The intelligent helper will simplify the shopping process, increase the experience of the customer and therefore move your entire business to a completely new level.

As the satisfaction and loyalty of customers are top priority for retail companies, the more the shopping experience your customers enjoy, the more chances you can increase their sales.



Preet Panchal

Full-time Student, Part-time AI Researcher